Volume 9

Community Resources

  • If you or Someone you know are experiencing thoughts of suicide, please call 211 (Crisis Services in CT), 988 (Suicide & Crisis Lifeline) or 911
  • Wellmore Urgent Crisis Center, Waterbury CT. Open 24/7, no appointment necessary. FOr youth 4-18

School Social WOrk

Sept. 6, 2024

Monthly Newsletter

Warning SIgns

Suicide Prevention

Here is a short list of warning signs. Please
contact a mental health provider, 211 or 988 if
one or more of these signs are exhibited.
click here for more information

  • Hopelessness
  • Rage, anger
  • Withdrawing from friends, family or society
  • Agitation
  • No reason to live; no sense of purpose in life

September is suicide prevention month. This month is used
to bring awareness and resources to this urgent crisis.
Suicidal thoughts can affect anyone,
regardless of age,
gender, or background.
Thoughts of suicide should not be
considered normal,
and often indicate a more serious issue..
Starting a conversation can help save a life. Studies show
people who are having thoughts of suicide feel relief when
someone asks about them in a caring way. Open up the
dialogue with a loved one
and let them know that it is okay
to talk about deeper feelings and thoughts