World Language
The central goal of the HVRHS World Language department is to develop our students’ communicative competence in a language other than English. Essential to that development is an understanding of language as inseparable from culture. Our goal is to prepare students linguistically and culturally to communicate successfully in a pluralistic society both at home and abroad.
We believe that the study of a World Language will provide students with the basic skills and knowledge for verbal expression and for understanding and appreciating the cultural and literary achievements of another culture. Our department offers study in two languages: French and Spanish.
World Language students participate in the annual contests sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of French and the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese. These are motivational competitions that recognize student achievement in the study of world languages and stimulate further interest in the teaching and learning of French and Spanish.
In addition, HVRHS students can earn the State of Connecticut Seal of Biliteracy, which is awarded to students who have studied and attained proficiency in English and one or more languages by high school graduation. Proficiency is determined by the scores on one of several state approved assessment tools. The Seal of Biliteracy recognizes the value of students’ academic efforts and the tangible benefits of being bilingual and biliterate. It prepares students to be 21st-century global citizens in a multicultural, multilingual world.
Ms. Rosemarie Nanni, Chair: rnanni@hvrhs.org
Ms. Christiane Olson: colson@hvrhs.org
Mrs. Paige Root: proot@hvrhs.org
Click HERE for the HVRHS Program of Studies.
Students meeting the criteria for biliteracy receive a seal affixed to their high school diploma and transcript. It is a prestigious statement of accomplishment that shows potential employers and colleges and universities that a student can effectively communicate with people from two or more languages and cultures, both orally and in writing. Click here for more information.