Mission, History, & Community
The HVRHS community promotes personal and academic growth, as well as independence of thought and spirit for all its members, within a culture of respect, responsibility and safety.
The core values that support this statement include a commitment to 21st century academic expectations which encourage all members to grow to their potential, accept and respect different learning styles, solve problems and think analytically, and communicate their ideas effectively.
Members of the school community are also expected to make ethical choices, demonstrate social and civic responsibility, and show pride and care for the school and its environment.

Housatonic Valley Regional High School opened on Monday, September 25, 1939, it was the first regional high school east of the Hudson River. The 374 students arrived and were greeted by a teaching staff of eighteen and a building with bare cement floors, no clocks, lockers, or bells, but the students and teachers persevered. As the years passed and the enrollment increased, additions were made to the original building including an auditorium, the Clarke B. Wood Vocational Agriculture Center, and improvements to the athletic fields in 1951-52. In 1962, the gymnasium and science wing were completed and later, the academic and new vocational agriculture additions. (Photo: Coach Kirby with players.)
Currently, HVRHS offers a wide range of academic programs and electives that complement the educational program; knowing the importance of our students social/emotional needs there are a rich collection of extracurricular activities, including award winning Robotics, Envirothon and Academic Bowl teams, arts programs and internships, musical theater, jazz band, chorus; student government, leadership and community service. These are just some of the opportunities available to our students. Since 1939, we have encouraged students and teachers to explore their interests and talents and to think outside the box.
Proof of the Community’s commitment to HVRHS and their students is the $300,000-$500,000 that is distributed annually for college and trade school scholarships. In addition, this past year the alumni Association raised over $150,000 to upgrade the athletic fields in honor of Ed Kirby. The field stands along side the track field named after David Lindsay and behind the STC dedicated to Jack Mahoney and Diane Hewat.
This close relationship with the communities is also evident in the bredth of community mentors that help steward our students in ArtGarage, Science & Technology, Robotics, Electric Car building and numerous other programs that tap local professionals and retirees from the community for their expertise and guidance. Or the 100s of people who support the HMTS musical, FFA Holiday Store and come to the spring Ag Ed Open House.